Jeanette, Gloria, Tina, Maggie, & Loretta
Monday, April 28, 2008
Copy of From The Corner Of His Eye available
Monday, April 21, 2008
Happy Monday
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Re: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
----- Original Message -----To: Shirley Fox-Trydahl ; Carol Meehan ; Alice Haugen ; Kathy Hoffert ; Jeanette Plummer ; Janet Hasbargen ; Blogger email ; Connie Graham ; Tina Grenier ; LaRae-auxilliary ; Marna-auxilliarySent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:37 PMSubject: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008Hi Undercover Girls,"Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down...." - Karen CarpenterJust for a laugh I thought I share with you that I thought it was Rainy Days and Sundays always get me down..." - Carol CarpenterAnyway, tonight's the night to discuss Water for Elephants - it is the third Wednesday of the month. ;) The meeting is at the Wilkin. I have not received any R.S.V.P.s as of yet so if you plan on attending please drop me a line one way or the other. If you can't attend please feel free to share your opinion on the blog. :)Tina.
Re: Fw: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
you know earlier. See you soon! Alice
--- wrote:
> F.Y.I.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Shirley Fox
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:46 PM
> Subject: RE: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
> Unfortunately I cannot attend. The club president's
> student senate dinner is scheduled for tonight at
> usually lasts a minimum of two hours. I
> really hate to miss the discussion...loved the book!
> Have a great time!
> Shirley
> From:
> []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:37 PM
> To: Shirley Fox-Trydahl; Carol Meehan; Alice Haugen;
> Kathy Hoffert; Jeanette Plummer; Janet Hasbargen;
> Blogger email; Connie Graham; Tina Grenier;
> LaRae-auxilliary; Marna-auxilliary
> Subject: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
> Hi Undercover Girls,
> "Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down...." -
> Karen Carpenter
> Just for a laugh I thought I share with you that I
> thought it was Rainy Days and Sundays always get me
> down..." - Carol Carpenter
> Anyway, tonight's the night to discuss Water for
> Elephants - it is the third Wednesday of the month.
> ;) The meeting is at the Wilkin. I have not
> received any R.S.V.P.s as of yet so if you plan on
> attending please drop me a line one way or the
> other. If you can't attend please feel free to
> share your opinion on the blog. :)
> Tina.
Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Fw: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
Unfortunately I cannot attend. The club president's student senate dinner is scheduled for tonight at 5:00 usually lasts a minimum of two hours. I really hate to miss the discussion
..loved the book! Have a great time!
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:37 PM
To: Shirley Fox-Trydahl; Carol Meehan; Alice Haugen; Kathy Hoffert; Jeanette Plummer; Janet Hasbargen; Blogger email; Connie Graham; Tina Grenier; LaRae-auxilliary; Marna-auxilliary
Subject: Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
Hi Undercover Girls,
"Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down...." - Karen Carpenter
Just for a laugh I thought I share with you that I thought it was Rainy Days and Sundays always get me down..." - Carol Carpenter
Anyway, tonight's the night to discuss Water for Elephants - it is the third Wednesday of the month. ;) The meeting is at the Wilkin. I have not received any R.S.V.P.s as of yet so if you plan on attending please drop me a line one way or the other. If you can't attend please feel free to share your opinion on the blog. :)
Bookgroup April 16th, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Fw: Roxanne Henke info
> Tina,
> Roxanne Henke is also doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble. People can
> call B&N for date/time.
> Carol
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: "Shirley Fox-Trydahl" <>; "Carol Meehan"
> <>; "Alice Haugen" <>;
> "Kathy Hoffert" <>; "Jeanette Plummer"
> <>; "Janet Hasbargen" <>; "Blogger
> email" <>; "Connie Graham"
> <>; "Tina Grenier" <>;
> "LaRae-auxilliary" <>; "Marna-auxilliary"
> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:54 AM
> Subject: Fw: Roxanne Henke info
>> F.Y.I. Shelley Blome so graciously shared this info with me so I
>> thought I would pass it on to you. Have a great day everyone!!!
>>> Hi Tina -
>>> So here it is:
>>> MACH of St. Joseph's Church presents
>>> Christian Author Roxanne Henke
>>> "Sweet Success: A Friendship Journey"
>>> Join us for dessert and coffee as we listen to Roxanne Henke talk about
>>> friendship, motherhood and faith!
>>> Tuesday, 7:00 pm April 15, 2008
>>> East Entrance, St. Joseph's Church
>>> 2nd Ave & 11th St S Moorhead Mn
>>> Tickets are $12 and available at Hurley's on University Drive in Fargo.
>>> Thanks
>>> Shelley
Fw: Roxanne Henke info
I would pass it on to you. Have a great day everyone!!!
> Hi Tina -
> So here it is:
> MACH of St. Joseph's Church presents
> Christian Author Roxanne Henke
> "Sweet Success: A Friendship Journey"
> Join us for dessert and coffee as we listen to Roxanne Henke talk about
> friendship, motherhood and faith!
> Tuesday, 7:00 pm April 15, 2008
> East Entrance, St. Joseph's Church
> 2nd Ave & 11th St S Moorhead Mn
> Tickets are $12 and available at Hurley's on University Drive in Fargo.
> Thanks
> Shelley