
Jeanette, Gloria, Tina, Maggie, & Loretta

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Re: June 18th Meeting

I had replied last month that I couldn't attend because of my wrist surgery - it went fine, but I'm impatient with the recovery.
Today, Thursday, I have finally felt better. I could even hold a can of pop in my hand and this is my first attempt at typing!
Hope you had fun,
LaRae Mikkelson
E-mail: or
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Theodore Roosevelt
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: June 18th Meeting

Thanks, everyone for the quick responses!  Here are the results:
Attending:  Janet, Jeanette & Tina
Not attending:  Carol, Connie, Alice, Shirley & Kathy
Janet & Jeanette, we will be meeting at Prante's on the deck tomorrow @ 5 pm.  See you then! 
For the rest of you, please let me know if Wednesdays have become a bad day I want to make sure the day we select is convenient for the majority of the attending members.  Also, If anyone knows what we decided to read for August drop a "reply all" to the group - I can't remember.  Likewise if you have any suggestions let us know.  As of now, our next meeting is on August 20th, 2008 @ Pavilion - we'll try to get one last deck conversation in if the weather cooperates, if not we will move indoors. 
Have a great summer you guys!!!! 

August 20th, 2008 Meeting

Dear Fellow Readers,
Summer is here - yeah!!!!!!!  :)  I love the sun and the blue sky!!!
The book group met last night at Prante's; we liked Prante's (on the deck) so much we decided to meet there in August too.  
A very special welcome to Loretta - she attended for the first time last night and it was a pleasure to have her in the group.  Welcome again, Loretta!!
Here are the selections for both August & September:
August 20th, 2008:  Prante's (on the deck), 5 - 7 p.m. - The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (we have a copy in the library, three people have already asked to use this copy, let me know if you want to be in the loop also. :)
September 17th, 2008:  Prante's, 5 - 7  p.m. - Pick one of the following three selections - or if you want feel free to read them all:
  1. The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dalles (MJL does not currently own but will try to get after the new fiscal year)
  2. Amy and Isabelle by Elizabeth Strout (MJL has)
  3. The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell: An Accidental Soldier's Account of the War in Iraq by John Crawford (MJL does not currently own but will try to get after the new fiscal year)
Between being off contract, and a couple vacation days, I will be off campus from July 10th to August 18th, 2008.  If you have any questions feel free to call me at 671-2612.
Take care & happy reading! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Re: August and summer reading

Thanks for the input, Janet! That is great! We did discuss alot of those
listed; we have all of them except "Snow in August" by Pete Hamill - but we
could still try to get it. We will discuss it further tonight at the
meeting - the rest of you feel free to send comments. :)

"The Last Templar" "Amy and Isabelle" "The Pursuit of Happyness" and
"Screwtape Letters & Beowulf" ....

My daughter's book club is currently reading "Snow in August" by Pete Hamill
for their first book in the fall, followed by "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg
Mortenson and "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield.

Re: August and summer reading

Hi from Janet -- I looked through some of my emails in my bookclub folder and saw these books on the list for 2008 which we haven't yet read or discussed.

"The Last Templar" "Amy and Isabelle" "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "Screwtape Letters & Beowulf" ....

My daughter's book club is currently reading "Snow in August" by Pete Hamill for their first book in the fall, followed by "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield.

So that is my input. See you at Prantes this Weds. Regards to all...Janet Hasbargen

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Re: June 18th Meeting

Thanks, everyone for the quick responses!  Here are the results:
Attending:  Janet, Jeanette & Tina
Not attending:  Carol, Connie, Alice, Shirley & Kathy
Janet & Jeanette, we will be meeting at Prante's on the deck tomorrow @ 5 pm.  See you then! 
For the rest of you, please let me know if Wednesdays have become a bad day I want to make sure the day we select is convenient for the majority of the attending members.  Also, If anyone knows what we decided to read for August drop a "reply all" to the group - I can't remember.  Likewise if you have any suggestions let us know.  As of now, our next meeting is on August 20th, 2008 @ Pavilion - we'll try to get one last deck conversation in if the weather cooperates, if not we will move indoors. 
Have a great summer you guys!!!! 

Monday, June 16, 2008

Re: June 18th Meeting

Sorry I won't be able to attend......hope to be with
you next time........enjoy! Alice

--- wrote:

> Hi all!!!
> This Wednesday is our monthly meeting time. It is
> the "Salsa" selection - read what you want and
> report. We can either meet outside at Pavilion or
> Prante's??? Please r.s.v.p. by today or tomorrow so
> I know what to email back to the group by then.
> When you email please include the following:
> 1.. Will you be attending? Yes/no
> 2.. Prante's or Pavilion?
> Enjoy the sunny weather everyone!!!!
> Tina

Forgot I also read We are all Welcome here a novel. Don't have the author handy but was a very gooe book about a girl growing up with her mother having MS and all about how she helped her daily. A very good story based on a true story.
I won't be able to make it on Wednesday. I have a ticket to the Straw Hat Players that night. I wish it wasn't the same night! I read Five Skies By Ron Carlson. It was a quik read and about the lives of three men who wound up working together one summer. I enjoyed it. I also read Mother Teresa No Greater Love Foreward by Thomas Moore. Very insirational and interesting also an easy read. Hope you have a great time sorry not to be able to come.

Re: June 18th Meeting

Hello - I'm in Bismarck on business Wednesday and Thursday.  Sorry to miss another meeting. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: June 18th Meeting

Hello everyone, Yes, I will be attending.  I prefer Prantes outside. Not so much street traffic and noise outside.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: June 18th Meeting

Hi all!!!
This Wednesday is our monthly meeting time.  It is the "Salsa" selection - read what you want and report.  We can either meet outside at Pavilion or Prante's???  Please r.s.v.p. by today or tomorrow so I know what to email back to the group by then.  When you email please include the following:
  1. Will you be attending? Yes/no
  2. Prante's or Pavilion?
Enjoy the sunny weather everyone!!!!

Re: June 18th Meeting

Hello everyone, Yes, I will be attending.  I prefer Prantes outside. Not so much street traffic and noise outside.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: June 18th Meeting

Hi all!!!
This Wednesday is our monthly meeting time.  It is the "Salsa" selection - read what you want and report.  We can either meet outside at Pavilion or Prante's???  Please r.s.v.p. by today or tomorrow so I know what to email back to the group by then.  When you email please include the following:
  1. Will you be attending? Yes/no
  2. Prante's or Pavilion?
Enjoy the sunny weather everyone!!!!

June 18th Meeting

Hi all!!!
This Wednesday is our monthly meeting time.  It is the "Salsa" selection - read what you want and report.  We can either meet outside at Pavilion or Prante's???  Please r.s.v.p. by today or tomorrow so I know what to email back to the group by then.  When you email please include the following:
  1. Will you be attending? Yes/no
  2. Prante's or Pavilion?
Enjoy the sunny weather everyone!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

June, July & August meeting (plus, recap of May selection)

Hi Girls,
From the Corner of My Eye by Dean Koontz was a "thumbs up" from all members I talked to.  We agreed it was a different book but different in a good sort of way.  One of my favorite lines, not quote because listening to it on audio I'm not exactly sure where it was at, was:  
 "_________   (insert name or topic here) is a pimple on humanities ass" - funny & very apropos for various topics - pardon the swear word of course.
So, just to update, June 18th, 2008 is our next meeting, 5 to 7 p.m. at the Pavilion on the patio.  Shake it up SALSA is the theme, in other words, read what you want and report.  This is also a good time to say we are taking July off.  August 20th is the meeting time after June.
One member expressed Wednesday is a bad night.  If others feel this way or vice-versa like Wednesdays drop me line - remember emails will automatically post to the web so feel free to call me instead if you want privacy.  671-2612
Also, if you reply or forward emails you may want delete the old text or just start a new one if possible.  I say this because when I was looking at the blog I saw my email to all of you about a billion times due to the reply method & I got to thinking this may frustrate some of you. time we can take pictures and get them on the web!  If you guys love pictures of yourself like I do I'm sure you can't wait to jump on that opportunity - joke. :) LOL 
Take care until we meet again,