
Jeanette, Gloria, Tina, Maggie, & Loretta

Monday, April 26, 2010

FW: Tentative list April 2010 - April 2011

Hello Ladies!

Heather, so graciously, resent me the "master list" and here it is! The
next two people to select would be Carol and Connie in August and September
- where does time go?

FYI - we do own:
The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris


Subject: Re: Tentative list April 2010 - April 2011

Just to recap: Last night the attending members decided to book
selections out into next year and generally would like to stick with the
selection chosen. When you see your name by the selection you get to pick
the selection and can generally guide the discussion. By guide, I mean
you could (if you want - no stress) print off discussion questions if
available and give a little background. Thus far this is what we have:

April - *The Help by Kathryn Stockett
May - *The Shack by William P. Young (Heather)
June - SALSA! (Read any book you like and share it with the group)
July - Off
August - ? (Carol)
September - ? (Connie)
October - ? (Maggie)
November - Noah's Compass by Ann Tyler (Janet)
December - CHRISTMAS BOOK EXCHANGE - (if you like, you can buy a book and
exchange it with other members)
January - ? (Jeanette)
February - ? (Loretta)
March - ? (Kathy)
April - ? (Gloria)
May - ? (Vonda if you so choose...)

Please email your selection to me. If you would like to forfeit picking
just let me know that too (Shirley chose this option.) As the list
updates I will resend the information out.

Just a reminder, my role is to reflect what the group wants; therefore, if
you receive an email on a topic please share your view that way the
decisions will continue to be run by the majority of the attending
members. If you are neutral you don't have to email I will just assume.

* before the title indicates that the Mildred Johnson Library owns the

Have a wonderful day, ladies!


Tina Grenier
Librarian, Head of Collection Management
North Dakota State College of Science
Mildred Johnson Library 102
800 North Sixth Street
Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002

701.671-2612 -or- 800.342.4325 Ext 32612
Fax: 701.671.2674

Visit NDSCS Mildred Johnson Library on the web at

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Re: April Meeting

I will be there!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Tina Grenier" <>
Cc: "Alice" <>; "Blogger Email"
<>; "Carol Meehan"
<>; "Gloria Dohman" <>;
"HeatherGoroski" <>; "Janet Hasbargen"
<>; "Jeanette & Carmen" <>;
"KathyHoffert" <>; "Loretta Meyer"
<>; "Maggie Vertin" <>;
"Shirley Fox-Trydahl" <>; "Tina Grenier"
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: April Meeting

I won't be able to make this meeting----have company coming! Enjoy!
Quoting Tina Grenier <>:

> Good Morning fellow book group members!
> Just checking that we are all on the same page for next week. The meeting
> is April 21 at the Pavilion - maybe even outside??? The time is 5 to 7.
> The book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Shirley will not be able to
> attend next week, but wanted to share that she gave this book a big
> "thumbs
> up!"
> Enjoy the beautiful sunny day!
> If any of you need book ideas for your book choice let me know, although
> typically I find that thinking of book titles is not a challenge for most
> of
> you. I will gladly send out some options if any are curious.
> Take care and see you soon.
> Tina
> ndscs small logo.JPG
> Tina Grenier
> Librarian, Head of Collection Management
> Mildred Johnson Library 102
> 800 North Sixth Street
> Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002
> Email:
> Phone: 701.671-2612 -or- 800.342.4325 Ext 32612
> Fax: 701.671.2674
> This is a place of mystery...a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see
> here has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read
> it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every
> time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and
> strengthens.
> -Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind)
> Visit NDSCS Mildred Johnson Library on the web at
> <>

Re: April Meeting

I won't be able to make this meeting----have company coming! Enjoy! Connie
Quoting Tina Grenier <>:

> Good Morning fellow book group members!
> Just checking that we are all on the same page for next week. The meeting
> is April 21 at the Pavilion - maybe even outside??? The time is 5 to 7.
> The book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Shirley will not be able to
> attend next week, but wanted to share that she gave this book a big "thumbs
> up!"
> Enjoy the beautiful sunny day!
> If any of you need book ideas for your book choice let me know, although
> typically I find that thinking of book titles is not a challenge for most of
> you. I will gladly send out some options if any are curious.
> Take care and see you soon.
> Tina
> ndscs small logo.JPG
> Tina Grenier
> Librarian, Head of Collection Management
> Mildred Johnson Library 102
> 800 North Sixth Street
> Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002
> Email:
> Phone: 701.671-2612 -or- 800.342.4325 Ext 32612
> Fax: 701.671.2674
> This is a place of mystery...a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see
> here has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read
> it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every
> time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.
> -Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind)
> Visit NDSCS Mildred Johnson Library on the web at
> <>

Monday, April 19, 2010

RE: April Meeting

Please note I created this email last week…so ignore the “next week” comment.  It is this Wednesday, from 5 to 7 pm, at the Pavilion.


The “good morning” is still valid.  J




From: Tina Grenier []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 9:50 AM
To: Alice; Blogger Email; Carol Meehan; Connie Graham; Gloria Dohman; Heather Goroski; Janet Hasbargen; Jeanette & Carmen; Kathy Hoffert; Loretta Meyer; Maggie Vertin; Shirley Fox-Trydahl; Tina Grenier
Subject: April Meeting


Good Morning fellow book group members!


Just checking that we are all on the same page for next week.  The meeting is April 21 at the Pavilion – maybe even outside???  The time is 5 to 7.  The book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  Shirley will not be able to attend next week, but wanted to share that she gave this book a big “thumbs up!” 


Enjoy the beautiful sunny day! 


If any of you need book ideas for your book choice let me know, although typically I find that thinking of book titles is not a challenge for most of you.   I will gladly send out some options if any are curious. 


Take care and see you soon…






ndscs small logo.JPG


Tina Grenier
Librarian, Head of Collection Management
Mildred Johnson Library 102
800 North Sixth Street
Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002



Phone:  701.671-2612 -or- 800.342.4325 Ext 32612
Fax: 701.671.2674


This is a place of mystery...a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see here has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.

                   -Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind)


Visit NDSCS Mildred Johnson Library on the web at


April Meeting

Good Morning fellow book group members!


Just checking that we are all on the same page for next week.  The meeting is April 21 at the Pavilion – maybe even outside???  The time is 5 to 7.  The book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  Shirley will not be able to attend next week, but wanted to share that she gave this book a big “thumbs up!” 


Enjoy the beautiful sunny day! 


If any of you need book ideas for your book choice let me know, although typically I find that thinking of book titles is not a challenge for most of you.   I will gladly send out some options if any are curious. 


Take care and see you soon…






ndscs small logo.JPG


Tina Grenier
Librarian, Head of Collection Management
Mildred Johnson Library 102
800 North Sixth Street
Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002



Phone:  701.671-2612 -or- 800.342.4325 Ext 32612
Fax: 701.671.2674


This is a place of mystery...a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see here has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.

                   -Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind)


Visit NDSCS Mildred Johnson Library on the web at