Good morning, Everyone!
Book group is the 3rd Wednesday…in the summer it is the 3rd Tuesday. It can all get confusing. ;0)
FYI – I finished reading the book and look forward to the discussion also. ;0)
Remember too that we are circulating next month’s read if you want to get in the list. ;0)
From: Maggie Vertin []
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:26 AM
To: Grenier, Tina; 'Alice Haugen'; Barton, Cindy; 'Blogger Email'; Kassa, Carin; 'Carol Meehan'; 'Cindy Splichal'; Dohman, Gloria; 'Janet Hasbargen'; 'Jeanette'; 'Jeanette & Carmen'; Ost, Jodi; Peterson, Judith; 'Kathy Hoffert'; 'Loretta Meyer';; Hart, Michelle; Fox-Trydahl, Shirley; 'Shirley Fox-Trydahl'
Cc: Schrom, Patricia
Subject: RE: January 2014 Book Group Meeting
Hey everyone
Are we meeting this week for Feb??? As in today? This is the second Wednesday, right? Thanks, don’t want to miss this discussion of the Silent Wife. Maggie
From: Grenier, Tina []
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Alice Haugen (; Barton, Cindy; Blogger Email; Kassa, Carin; Carol Meehan; Cindy Splichal (; Dohman, Gloria; Janet Hasbargen; Jeanette; Jeanette & Carmen; Ost, Jodi; Peterson, Judith; Kathy Hoffert; Loretta Meyer;; Maggie Vertin; Hart, Michelle; Fox-Trydahl, Shirley; Shirley Fox-Trydahl; Grenier, Tina
Cc: Schrom, Patricia
Subject: January 2014 Book Group Meeting
Good afternoon, Everyone!
Happy first official book group of 2014! Yes, it is that time already…
Meal Choice: The theme is “Big Chopped Salads” with choice of salad dressing, a bread and dessert of course.
*If someone wants one without meat, let us know with your RSVP.
RSVP - Please RSVP for next week’s book group by Monday noon to Shelly will compile the list, but feel free to reply all to keep others informed.
Sample RSVP: Tina – Maybe (but late) – no meat please ;0)
Date: Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
Time: 5 to 7 pm
Title: The Book Thief