Hi everyone!
With two members not being able to attend, let's take a quick roll call for tomorrow night.
Just RSVP – yes or no. J
From: Maggie Vertin [mailto:mvertin@wah.midco.net]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 3:35 PM
To: 'Tina Grenier'; 'Alice'; 'Blogger Email'; 'Carol Meehan'; 'Connie Graham'; 'Gloria Dohman'; 'Heather Goroski'; 'Janet Hasbargen'; 'Jeanette & Carmen'; 'Kathy Hoffert'; 'Loretta Meyer'; 'Shirley Fox-Trydahl'
Subject: RE: Book group
Oh! I am sorry to have to miss the group discussion, also! Especially since it was your selection, Carol, I wanted to hear more and discuss more with you. This story is most likely common fodder for social workers, but I was surprised by the amount of sex and violence used/needed to satisfy a person's loneliness, boredom, curiosity, hurt and anger- and were there any characters in the novel who didn't use others for their own selfish means? Can anyone tell me why the newspaper guy was hiding his identity to begin with and why was he hiding his relationship with his son at all? Am I so naïve, or was this guy thinking about bedding the young, unfortunate subject of the novel from the moment she set foot inside his office (ie met him?)? And therefore didn't want her to know his family situation??? Thanks everyone
I'll miss you and the discussion, but would love to hear from you. Maggie
From: Tina Grenier [mailto:tina.grenier@ndscs.edu]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 2:31 PM
To: Alice; Blogger Email; Carol Meehan; Connie Graham; Gloria Dohman; Heather Goroski; Janet Hasbargen; Jeanette & Carmen; Kathy Hoffert; Loretta Meyer; Maggie Vertin; Shirley Fox-Trydahl; Tina Grenier
Subject: FW: Book group
For your information…from Carol. J
From: Carol Meehan [mailto:carol.meehan@ndscs.edu]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:37 PM
To: Carol.Meehan@ndscs.edu; Shirley.Fox-Trydahl@ndscs.edu; Tina.Grenier@ndscs.edu; gloria.dohman@ndscs.edu
Subject: Book group
Hello everyone!
Regretfully, I will be unable to make it to book group tomorrow night.
Jim's son is in town tomorrow for a meeting – and we haven't seen him for about a year.
I picked this month's selection. Here's why. I wanted to pick a new author and an author that most of us may not have read. Also, the book won an award. As I searched the new recommended authors at Barnes & Noble, reading the beginning of the first chapter of many books – it is this book that grabbed my attention within the first two pages.
Did I like the book? I think I would give it a neutral sign – neither thumb up or down. I thought the ending was a quick turn around – she walks out the door and is all better? The second thing I noticed somewhere in the middle of reading – it is one long chapter. (ee cummings – style?) When I think about this book – I think it is a modern day version of "Catcher in the Rye."
Sorry I will miss the discussion. Hope to see you next month.
PS: Tina, I do not have everyone's e-mail address. Please send out to everyone in the book group for me. Thank you.
Carol Meehan
Program Director
NDSCS-Fargo at the STTC
701.231.6933 (Direct Phone)
701.231.6905 (Fax)
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