
Jeanette, Gloria, Tina, Maggie, & Loretta

Thursday, July 30, 2009

August Meeting

Greetings fellow book group members,
Next Meeting:
August 19th, 2009
5 to 7 pm
The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar
I accidently threw my note, so if I have this wrong please reply all to the group with the correct title - thank-you. :-)
Take care and see you in August!
Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar: Book CoverSpace Between Us by Thrity Umrigar: Book Cover
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Re: July Book Group 2009

Hi everyone!
It is 3 o'clock and all is well. :-)
A total of 7 members chose next Wednesday, zero emailed me in favor of meeting tonight.
Hope this helps...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: July Book Group 2009

Hi to all, 

I prefer to meet next Wednesday as can't come tonight.  Hope to see you all soon.


--- On Wed, 7/15/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: July Book Group 2009
To: "Teansa" <>, "Loretta Meyer" <>, "Stephen J Schmitz" <>, "Tina Grenier" <>, "Shirley Fox-Trydahl" <>, "Maggie Vertin" <MVERTIN@WAH.MIDCO.NET>, "Kathy Hoffert" <>, "Jeanette Plummer" <>, "Janet Hasbargen" <>, "Heather Zilmer" <>, "Connie Graham" <connie.graham@WAH.MIDCO.NET>, "Carol Meehan" <>, "Blogger email" <>, "Alice Haugen" <>
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 8:09 AM

Hello, fellow readers!
Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be there.
But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of books I ordered for the book group.  Some might tempt you????  I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word).  Not to mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let others know.  If you would like to meet up with me next week...let everyone know that too.  If you want to do both or neither include that also.
Information:  Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
Miss all of you!  Take care!
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612

Re: July Book Group 2009

Hi to all, 

I prefer to meet next Wednesday as can't come tonight.  Hope to see you all soon.


--- On Wed, 7/15/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: July Book Group 2009
To: "Teansa" <>, "Loretta Meyer" <>, "Stephen J Schmitz" <>, "Tina Grenier" <>, "Shirley Fox-Trydahl" <>, "Maggie Vertin" <MVERTIN@WAH.MIDCO.NET>, "Kathy Hoffert" <>, "Jeanette Plummer" <>, "Janet Hasbargen" <>, "Heather Zilmer" <>, "Connie Graham" <connie.graham@WAH.MIDCO.NET>, "Carol Meehan" <>, "Blogger email" <>, "Alice Haugen" <>
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 8:09 AM

Hello, fellow readers!
Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be there.
But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of books I ordered for the book group.  Some might tempt you????  I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word).  Not to mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let others know.  If you would like to meet up with me next week...let everyone know that too.  If you want to do both or neither include that also.
Information:  Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
Miss all of you!  Take care!
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612

Re: July Book Group 2009

As of right now, no one has replied that they plan on attending tonight. I
will send out another update later today.

:-) T

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: "Teansa" <>; "Loretta Meyer"
<>; "Stephen J Schmitz"
<>; "Tina Grenier" <>;
"Shirley Fox-Trydahl" <>; "Maggie Vertin"
<>; "KathyHoffert" <>; "Jeanette
Plummer" <>; "JanetHasbargen" <>;
"Heather Zilmer" <>; "Carol Meehan"
<>; "Blogger email"
<>; "Alice Haugen"
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: July Book Group 2009

> HI! I have a busy schedule for July----so hope to meet in August----have
> a great summer!~~~Connie
> Quoting
>> Hello, fellow readers!
>> Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
>> The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's
>> looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend
>> tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be
>> there.
>> But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with
>> me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of
>> books I ordered for the book group. Some might tempt you???? I
>> thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall
>> (can't believe I just said the fall word). Not to mention, I need a
>> healthy dose of the book club members.
>> So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let
>> others know. If you would like to meet up with me next week...let
>> everyone know that too. If you want to do both or neither include that
>> also.
>> Information: Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled
>> group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
>> Miss all of you! Take care!
>> Tina
>> ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
>> Tina M. Grenier
>> Mildred Johnson Library
>> North Dakota State College of Science
>> 800 6th Street North
>> Wahpeton, ND 58076
>> (701) 671-2612
>> ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~

Re: July Book Group 2009

HI! I have a busy schedule for July----so hope to meet in
August----have a great summer!~~~Connie

> Hello, fellow readers!
> Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
> The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's
> looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to
> attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably
> won't be there.
> But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet
> with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a
> plethora of books I ordered for the book group. Some might tempt
> you???? I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off
> for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word). Not to
> mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
> So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let
> others know. If you would like to meet up with me next week...let
> everyone know that too. If you want to do both or neither include
> that also.
> Information: Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from
> cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
> Miss all of you! Take care!
> Tina
> ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
> Tina M. Grenier
> Mildred Johnson Library
> North Dakota State College of Science
> 800 6th Street North
> Wahpeton, ND 58076
> (701) 671-2612
> ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~

Re: July Book Group 2009

Hello everyone!!!
Next Wednesday works better for me too!!! 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: July Book Group 2009

Jeanette and I would prefer next Wed., it would be great to meet when you are available!  Count us in for next Wed.

To:;;;;; MVERTIN@WAH.MIDCO.NET;;;;; connie.graham@WAH.MIDCO.NET;;;
Subject: July Book Group 2009
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 08:09:40 -0500

Hello, fellow readers!
Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be there.
But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of books I ordered for the book group.  Some might tempt you????  I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word).  Not to mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let others know.  If you would like to meet up with me next week...let everyone know that too.  If you want to do both or neither include that also.
Information:  Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
Miss all of you!  Take care!
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612

Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don't worry about storage limits. Check it out.

RE: July Book Group 2009

Jeanette and I would prefer next Wed., it would be great to meet when you are available!  Count us in for next Wed.

To:;;;;; MVERTIN@WAH.MIDCO.NET;;;;; connie.graham@WAH.MIDCO.NET;;;
Subject: July Book Group 2009
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 08:09:40 -0500

Hello, fellow readers!
Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be there.
But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of books I ordered for the book group.  Some might tempt you????  I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word).  Not to mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let others know.  If you would like to meet up with me next week...let everyone know that too.  If you want to do both or neither include that also.
Information:  Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
Miss all of you!  Take care!
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612

Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don't worry about storage limits. Check it out.

July Book Group 2009

Hello, fellow readers!
Today is the day; it is the third Wednesday of the month.
The good news is this week is finals week for me. Although, It's looking like I won't be where I need to be in my coursework to attend tonight, so just in case I am letting you know I probably won't be there.
But, I wanted to put an offer out on the table for anyone to meet with me next Wednesday. I will be done with classes and have a plethora of books I ordered for the book group.  Some might tempt you????  I thought this would be a good way to prep. for kick-off for the fall (can't believe I just said the fall word).  Not to mention, I need a healthy dose of the book club members.
So, if you plan on attending tonight please hit reply all and let others know.  If you would like to meet up with me next week...let everyone know that too.  If you want to do both or neither include that also.
Information:  Prantes, 5 to 7 pm, Dewey (leftover read from cancelled group last month) or any other book you wish to share. :-)
Miss all of you!  Take care!
Tina M. Grenier
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th Street North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(701) 671-2612